
Introducing this blog!

There's something that sparks inside me when I'm among a pit of strangers, screaming and jumping along to live music. Something not everyone around me understands. My first ever gig experience was in 2012 when I saw Cher Lloyd, don't judge me I was 13, and I've been attached to the idea of seeing bands live ever since. I'd go just for the sake of going, to be there in that moment. After my cringe worthy first concert experience, I've been able to go to a few more. Starting with my obsession, and trust me I mean obsession, with One Direction back in the day, I've progressed onto other bands and their influences, which leaves me with a very diverse taste in music. Since those days, I've discovered so many new artists and bands, who I adore, and I've even been able to see a few of them live! Furthermore, I've decided that the next few years will be a big one for me. I'm going to be pushing myself, and my bank balance, to take me to as many ...